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What You Can Do ?
On this site you can download roms for the Snes these games from the super nintendo they are nearly the same in every way, the rubish sound, the rubish pictures, the rubish game play so realy its the same. You can also play games, try clicking on play games on the link bar, you can also read the famous "Rom Man".
The way i made my site was on 20m if you want to make your own site just visit them on there website, to visit them and maybe make your own website evan if its making your own buisness just click on the link below.If you click on favourite links page then it will give you other rom sites that are of top of quality.
This site is made by Sam Maiden.
Click Here To Visit 20m

What Is A Emulator ?
A emulator is the thing that you need to play your roms on you may already have one but just in case you can download them of this website, you need a emulator to play any of the roms.

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This Month
In this month we have the series of Final Fantasy, reaching from Final Fantasy 2 all the way to the last ever snes ff, Final Fantasy 6.

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